Monday, February 27, 2012

Imagination - By Ted

     Everyone has an imagination, but some people choose not to use theirs. In my opinion, there's no reason not to use your imagination, because it helps with everything. Sometimes in theater class people will say, "OMG I DON'T WANT TO BE ON STAGE PICK SOMEONE ELSE I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING  BLAH BLAH BLAH" If you've ever done that, shame on you. Just take the first thing you think of and turn it into a scene - instant creativity.
     It works with art class too -  people will say, "UGH MR. CLARK I'M SUCH A BAD ARTIST WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THIS LET ME JUST FAIL THIS CLASS I HATE DRAWING BLAH BLAH" Shame on you people, too. It doesn't take a lot of thought to be imaginative, just think of something you like or the first thing that comes into your head. 
     Maybe not wanting to be creative is just part of laziness. Some people just want to get things done and don't care about how boring and unoriginal they might be. Fine, I will let you live you life with the same amount of creativity as a paperclip, but it's a fact that people who use their imagination have more fun.
     For those of you who already use your imagination, A+ for you. I don't care what anyone says, using your imagination will never be uncool. 


  1. Totally agree with you and Spongebob, Imagination will never be uncool.

  2. I think you are spot on Ted - students struggle to come up with ideas but are wasting their energy they could be using to come up with ideas! It totally CAN (and should) be fun! Ms. Luhrs
