Monday, October 17, 2011

Halloween - By Ted

Guess what? Halloween is really close. Here at school we have the Halloween dance, which is a good chance to celebrate (and give the school a little money). If you don't want to go (or don't want to cough up four bucks) you can do something outside of school.
Are you going trick or treating this year? You might think it's too childish or "not cool". Are you serious? I think you should go ahead, be a dork, and go trick or treating. It's fun. You get to dress up. You get to scare people. And the best part; you get a free bag of candy. Does anyone NOT want free candy? Actually, you shouldn't want free candy if some creepy stranger is offering it out of the back of their van. Then you should just want to run.
If you really don't want to trick or treat, you can always just get a scary costume and freak out little kids. Super fun, if you can keep your conscience out of the way. Or you could just decorate for Halloween. If you think you're "too cool" to do ANY of these things, I feel sorry for how boring your life must be. Don't pass up the chance to do a bunch of fun stuff and celebrate the awesome holiday of Halloween.


  1. Great Ideas!! I wonder if there are any volunteer opportunities for students on Halloween or maybe any fun things to do beside trick or treating!! I would love to see some of the things kids could do in and around Kansas City, KS this coming weekend!!

  2. I love the the thought about "too cool" people living boring lives. They really do. As one who is not nor will ever be "too cool" I support halloween fun 100%

    Mr. Brame
