Friday, November 11, 2011

Essays - By Ted

     It seems like lately we have been buried in essays. English essays, Social Studies essays, Science essays. Hopefully math wont start assigning them (What would a math essay be like? Just writing down pages of math equations? I think I would die of boredom trying to write that). Teachers think that writing paragraphs is a great way to put info in our heads, unfortunately. If you aren't good at writing, I have some tips to make it easier.
  • If you know you have to write an essay for homework, take notes in class (I know you're thinking, only a huge nerd would do that. If you want to make the essay super easy, then suck it up and be a nerd. It isn't that bad.) Then you can just use your notes to put together sentences. Magic! Instant essay.
  • Type your essay. For some reason teachers love that. Your teacher might even give extra credit just for having it typed (cough cough Mrs. Isabell)
  • If you can't think of words to use, use a thesaurus. Thankfully, there is a built in thesaurus on Microsoft Word. Just type a word, highlight it, right click, and click synonyms. Using better words will make your essay better. 
  •  Stay after school and have your teacher help you write. They know how to make your essay good. 
  • If you just want to get your essay over with, write down the most important information and see if that will be enough. Slacker.
      So, if you ever feel like you are drowning in essays and can't escape, use these tips. They should work, but I'm not responsible if they don't work and you get a bad grade. Lets wish for the best.

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